The scepter of Egypt
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
Chronological Table
I. The Land of Egypt
II. Prehistoric Egypt
Periods, Cultures, and Principal Sites of Egyptian Prehistory
1. Palaeolithic Man in the Nile Valley
2. The Mesolithic Period, or Middle Stone Age
3. The Neolithic Period, or Late Stone Age
4. The Cultures of the Chalcolithic Period
5. The Badarian Civilization
6. The Predynastic Culture of Upper Egypt
7. The Predynastic Culture of Lower Egypt
8. The Cultural Domination of the North during the Middle Predynastic Period
9. The Political and Religious Development of Egypt in the Predynastic Period
10. The Late Predynastic Period
III. The Early Dynastic Period
Kings of the Early Dynastic Period
1. Sources, Chronology, and Periods of Ancient Egyptian History
2. The Written Language of Ancient Egypt
3. Inscribed Monuments of the Early Dynastic Period
4. Seals and Seal Impressions
5. The Calendars and the Methods of Dating
6. Arts and Crafts under the Early Dynasties
IV. The Architecture of Ancient Egypt
Its Origins and Early Developments
1. Dwellings
2. Temples
3. Tombs
4. Military Architecture
V. The Old Kingdom
Kings of the Old Kingdom
1. King Djoser, the Sage I-em-hotep, and the Third Dynasty
2. The Fourth Dynasty
3. The Pyramid Builders
4. Royal Monuments of the Fourth Dynasty
5. The Fifth Dynasty
VI. The Religion and Funerary Beliefs of Ancient Egypt
1. Religion
2. Funerary Beliefs and Funerary Literature
VII. Courtiers, Officials, and Priests of the Old Kingdom
1. Their Tombs and Tomb Reliefs
2. The Priestess of Hat-Hor Ny-Óonekhy-Udôt
3. The Chamberlain Pery-nêb
4. Prince R&eactue;-em-kuy
5. The Judge Ny-kû-Hor and His Wife, Sekhem-Hat-Hor
6. The Overseer of the Granary Kuy-em-snêwy and the Judge Wer-djed-Ptah
7. Upper Egyptian Notables: Provincial Tomb Reliefs of the Late Old Kingdom
8. Tomb Statues and Statuettes
9. Tomb and Household Equipment
10. Biographical Inscriptions and Didactic Treatises
VII. The Sixth Dynasty and the End of the Old Kingdom
IX. The First Intermediate Period
Kings of the First Intermediate Period
1. The State of the Land
2. The Dynasties of Memphis
3. Seals and Seal Amulets of the First Intermediate Period
4. Scarab Seals
5. The Dynasties of Herakleopolis
6. Tomb Reliefs and Pottery Vessels of the Herakleopolian Period
7. The Nomarchs of Thebes
X. The Middle Kingdom: I. The Eleventh Dynasty
Kings of the Middle Kingdom: I
1. The Early Kings
2. Montu-hopte II and the Supremacy of Thebes
3. The Tomb and Mortuary Temple of the King
4. The Harîm of King Neb-hepet-Rê:' Montu-hotpe
5. The Court of King Neb-hepet-Rê:' Montu-hotpe
6. King Se'ankh-ku-Rê' Montu-hotpe III and His Chancellor, Meket-Rê'
7. The end of the Eleventh Dynasty
XI. The Middle Kingdom: II. The Twelfth Dynasty
Kings of the Middle Kingdom: II
1. King Sehetep-yeb-Rê' Amun-em-hêt I
2. King Kheper-ku-Rê' Se'n-Wosret I
3. The Pyramid and Funerary Enclosure of Se'n-Wosret I at el Lisht
4. The Successors of Se'n-Wosret I
5. Thebes during the Twelfth Dynasty
XII. The People of the Middle Kingdom and Their Personal Possessions
1. The Nature of the Material
2. Men and Women of the Middle Kingdom: Statues and Statuettes
3. Concubines, Dwarfs, Peasants, Servants, and Animals: Small Figures of Wood, Faience, Ivory, Stone, and Other Materials
4. Jewelry
5. Dress, Coiffure, and Make-up
6. Musical Instruments of the Middle Kingdom
7. Knife-Shaped Amulets of Ivory
8. Games
XIII. The Home, the Farm, and the River
1. The House and Its Furnishings
2. The Country Estate and Its Activities
3. Boating on the Nile and on the Rivers of the Hereafter
XIV. Professions and Crafts of the Middle Kingdom
1. The Soldier and His Weapons
2. Slaves and Scepters
3. Tools of the Middle Kingdom Craftsmen
4. Writing Materials: The Equipment of the Egyptian Scribe
5. Weights and Measures
6. The Autobiography of an Egyptian Official
XV. Burial Customs and Funerary Art
1. The Burial of the Estate Manager Wah
2. The Tomb of the House Mistress Senebtîsy
3. Funerary Jewelry
4. Mummy Masks and Anthropoid Coffins
5. Rectangular Coffins and Sarcophagi of the Eleventh and Twelfth Dynasties
6. Canopic Equipment
7. Mummiform Statuettes ("Shawabtys")
8. Funerary Stelae of the Eleventh and Twelfth Dynasties
9. Offering Tables and Related Objects
XVI. The Decline and Fall of the Middle Kingdom
Kings of the Late Middle Kingdom
1. The Thirteenth Dynasty
2. Stelae, Coffins, and Other Works of Art and Craftsmanship Produced during the Thirteenth Dynasty
3. The Fourteenth Dynasty
4. The End of the Middle Kingdom
Indexes of Proper Names
A. Egyptian Kings
B. Egyptian Personal Names (Other Than Those of Kings)
C. Divinities
D. Geographic and Ethnic Names…/the_scepter_of_egypt_vol_1_from_…