martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Cave used to bury the dead contained a mummified dog

the mummified canine lies on its right side with head and neck bent down, with back left leg flexed and front legs extended. “This finding generates expectations about the potential for new insights into the archaeology of northern Mexico, because it reinforces the idea of placing dogs as companions in the funeral traditions of the nomads of the region. “
Once standing 22cm high the dog now lies on his right side as if resting. Image INAH
Once standing 22cm high the dog now lies on his right side as if resting. Image INAH

Protecting the past

During an initiative to investigate the state of collections, archaeologists found that the organic artefacts had not undergone adequate conservation measures, so they were recovered and placed under the authority of the INAH.
Archaeologist Yuri Leopoldo de la Rosa Gutierrez, of the Coahuila INAH Centre said that the Candelaria cave where the artefacts were discovered was used by groups of hunter-gatherers as a site to deposit their dead.
Over four thousand objects and about 200 human bones had been found inside the cave, dating to the Late Prehistoric period (800-1200 AD) and this would place the age of the mummified dog at around 1,000 years old, although C14 dating will be required to confirm this.
Other items recovered include a sandal. Image INAH#
Other items recovered include a sandal. Image INAH

New knowledge of the Laguna region

Fragments of textiles and items like this small basketry pouch were also recovered and are now being concerved. Image INAH
Fragments of textiles and items like this small basketry pouch were also recovered. Image INAH
The mummified dog is related to a type group called “harriers“.
Isaac Aquino Toledo, a DRPMZA researcher, recalled that the 3m deep rock shelter was first investigated in 1953 by INAH specialists; their discovery marked a turning point for the country’s archaeology since they gathered more than four thousand objects, almost all organic and in excellent condition, including textiles, basketry, wood and bone artefacts and the skeletal remains of about 200 individuals.
According to the archaeologists these items will enrich our knowledge about funeral customs that developed among the hunter- gatherers from 800 AD until the arrival of the Spanish in the north in the early seventeenth century.
Preliminarily examination suggests the mummification of the animal was due to natural causes, with the low humidity and constant dry climate prevailing in the cave.
It has even been suggested that the animal died from starvation, because, apparently, no visible injuries can be seen or clues to a cause of death.
Following the completion of conservation work and analysis of recovered objects, some of the artefacts will be displayed first in the Museo Regional de la Laguna.
Source: National Institute of Anthropology and History

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